Rubber World Industries, the leading manufacturer of closed-cell rubber insulation 'Gulf-O-flex' in the Gulf and South East Asia was the pioneering project of the international business conglomerate, the Shaikhani Group of Companies in the region, in the field of manufacturing. Rubber World Industries provides in-house work for engineering, design, production and testing for HVAC cheap replica breitling industries. The company also guarantees all its products are 100 per cent tested for sore hardness, thermal stability, absorption, permeability, flammability and other important issues, assuring excellent market-grade performance.
Rubber World Industries is renowned for being the leading manufacturer of closed-cell Elastomeric Rubber Insulation in the Gulf and the South East Asian region. Its modern plants are located at the Ajman Industrial Area in the UAE, where Gulf-O- Flex products are being manufactured. It is one of the only manufacturing facilities of its kind present in the GCC, which has been producing a versatile range of rubber insulation products since 1993 to meet requirements in oil and gas fake breitling fields, construction, shipping and automobile industries. The company has also delivered its high quality products for leading property developers in the UAE, such as Emaar and Nakheel; and exported rubber insulation systems to more than 90 countries, including the US, Germany, Russia, Canada and Singapore.