Shaikhani Autos

Shaikhani Autos is a key dealer of new & used cars from the USA, under the multinational diversified group, the Shaikhani Group. The dealership ably offers affordably priced automobiles for the United States & Middle East markets. The auto dealership's broad portfolio of second hand vehicles, which are sourced from the United States and Japan, are accident free and have incurred low mileage.

The company buys its stock of cars from auctions held around the US, guaranteeing on its promise of bringing in good, well maintained cars at an affordable price that can suit your budget.

Shaikhani Autos has also revealed its future plans of expanding its operations in the US. To date, the companies has one office in Houston Texas cheap lace dresses and are aiming to open three more branches in the Houston & California, as these are currently the largest market for new & second hand vehicles